When the culture is rooted in mutual trust, respect, candor, and high standards of performance excellence, then the quality of the relationships improves exponentially

The scope and depth of daily activities in any company rest on the ‘permission’ of a silent culture that pretty much determines member expectations of what’s possible., This which makes it difficult for people to see the underlying themes and patterns, sometimes forces that forming relationships very real boundaries that work against well-intended initiatives and or create result in missed opportunities.

Some of the reasons include:

People often don’t how the forces of culture operate in day-to-day terms.

Self-deception causes people to see their own behavior in terms of intentions rather than the actual behavior others experience.

Culture norms become so uniformly accepted that they acquire a “second-nature” quality.

People don’t have a way to examine and manage culture in objective, measurable terms.

The group dynamics of culture exist 24/7 and hold a powerful influence on individual behavior and norms. Bold cultural change efforts call on people at all levels to harness the natural forces of culture around standards of excellence.

The most effective way to build resilient relationships is to gain an understanding of of culture dynamics and build an environment where sound relationships can thrive.
As awareness grows across the organization, mutual support creates synergy, innovation, and increased performance.

When the culture is rooted in mutual trust, respect, candor, and high standards of performance excellence, then the quality of the relationships improves exponentially

The scope and depth of daily activities in any company rest on the ‘permission’ of a silent culture that pretty much determines member expectations of what’s possible., This which makes it difficult for people to see the underlying themes and patterns, sometimes forces that forming relationships very real boundaries that work against well-intended initiatives and or create result in missed opportunities.

Some of the reasons include:


People often don’t how the forces of culture operate in day-to-day terms.


Self-deception causes people to see their own behavior in terms of intentions rather than the actual behavior others experience.

Culture norms become so uniformly accepted that they acquire a “second-nature” quality.


People don’t have a way to examine and manage culture in objective, measurable terms.

The group dynamics of culture exist 24/7 and hold a powerful influence on individual behavior and norms. Bold cultural change efforts call on people at all levels to harness the natural forces of culture around standards of excellence.

The most effective way to build resilient relationships is to gain an understanding of of culture dynamics and build an environment where sound relationships can thrive.

As awareness grows across the organization, mutual support creates synergy, innovation, and increased performance.

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